Saturday 10 January 2009

Examples of Opening Sequences

Opening sequences are mainly the most vital and important part of a movie. A good opening sequence of a film must be able to establish the genre, time and place quickly and enable the audience to be aware of what the film is about. The opening sequence should attempt to attract the audience and to keep them focused and interested in the following events.

The narrative, mise en scene, lighting, costumes, camera movement, sound & dialogue etc… help to establish such thing like the genre and setting and could also be used in order to introduce main characters or important characters. They set the scene for the entire film and attempt to create enigmas for the audience.

The genre of the film we have chosen is very popular to the age range of 15-34, as people of this age are those who most frequently go to the cinema. Over the years there has been an increase in horror and thriller films being shown in cinema theatres and also sold in shops. Majority of the opening sequences of such films attempt to create enigmas and suspense for the audience and try to create a sense of worry and fright.

I Researched opening sequences of psychological thriller/horror films in order to help with our opening sequence.

The ring title sequence

The opening sequence of the ring is able to create fear and suspense for the audience. In the opening 15seconds of the scene, where the girl is shown walking up the stairs, the slow movement is what creates the dramatic effect and the suspense. The slow motion of her movement, her actions and the camera create the scene which also establishes the genre and theme. In the opening sequence as the opening titles are shown, there are also flashes of gruesome images such as the smokey blood. The fast constant flashes of these image create enigmas and terror. In addition to this another thing which makes it a great opening sequence is the dramatic non diagetic music played alongside this.

An opening sequence by media students i came across on youtube

This was an opening sequence which was produced by other media students. I found it very effective by the way it was put together and the way sound, editing, lighting, mise en scene etc… was used.
It was very short but was able to set the setting, place, characters and genre. It was able to create tension throughout the sequence and a sense of panic. Little things such as sound, diegetic and non diegetic were able to add a great effect on the scenes.


The opening sequence of jaws shows very mysterious images under the sea. Instantly by where the opening sequence is based in the water shows that this is the setting and place of the film. Dark shadowy shots are shown in and out of the water and this sets a sense of mystery horror and suspense. The sea is not shown in a positive way showing beautiful sea life and colourful fishes but is potrayed in a more negative and scary way. To add to this obscurity and fearful affect dramatic music is used which increases in sound as the camera slowly fishes through the water.

Twilight Zone

This was another sequence which was able to create enigmas and set the time place and characters. It was able to add tension and fear in the audiences mind.

All these sequence in there own way and forms are efective towards the audience. they set the scene for the entire film and create great enigmas and suspens. they establish the genre, setting and any important characters.

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